The previous post I talked about
and took a snapshot of one member post from a search engine forums I'm a member at. The company he and I have joined is AGLOCO. The link above will take you to some more info and a sign up form.
You may have noticed the audio in this page open when you arrived here. That's a video I downloaded from Google video. I probaly need to tweak that setting later. lol
Anyway, don't put all your eggs in one basket on AGLOCO. However if you like social annotation, and community sites,video surfing, vlogging, building a social network,building a list, and getting paid in the process, join in now, while it's free!.
The guy who told me about it I call Mr. 'C'. Okay, it's Joe Comm, The 'Godfather of Adsense". So really, you're selling nothing, but getting a piece of the advertising revenue google pays publishers from their 'adsense" program. The program is not set to launch their proprietor software yet (small toolbar ). Th
I like the idea it's another list building tool, and good way to promote is "it's a long term play", just like our beloved stockbrokers.
Really, what else have you got to loose.
Lead, follow or get out of the way, imho. *smile
Disclaimer: I hate anything to do with MLM, however it's built along the same principle as
Legacy for Life, a health company that had a USP of patented technology, and it's still doing well. It's not a ponzi scheme, imo, since the levels are not infinite. *shrug. Also, you get paid (up to 5 hours a month, for some surfing like you normally do.
Bottom line: My recommendation,this is a 'screaming' : "Yes, nothing to lose no brainer."
Sign up search their company site once in, Google "Agloco" and keep up with the launch, posting every other day or so about it. You can promote in many different ways. Happy surfing, you're gonna get paid!