Saturday, February 03, 2007


Just a shout to Vicki who called from Georgia to inform me of the impending tornado.Mama Mac, just went along handily not seeming to care. Many homes devastated, and loss of 19 or more...lives. Affected areas included New Smyrna Beach, Daytona Beach Florida.Worse storm in a decade and ...
Global warming?
Our live are at risk every day.

Have a great Saturday.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Don't do Drugs! Spider video

You'll note The audio opens as you open this blog page.Turn speakers down, or scroll down to view video. I'll tweak later.

.. means a global community. It's time we got it together and shared in the profits.

Okay , here's my Guru. Gobala will let you download two chapters from his website to take a look. Needless to say, I was impressed. This will cut the learning curve for you down at least 6 months!Well worth the money. There are some unadvertised bonuses inside.

7 day action plan will keep you focused.
Here's a link.

Annotation of (2 pages)

Click here to view an annotation of (2 pages)

Our community was hit by storms and tornado last night. Many are dead throughout the county, 69 homes in New Smyrna Beach destroyed.

There is some video on the yahoo news link,... annotation.

May god help the injured and those suffering loss. Rest their souls "oh departed ones."

Life comes at you fast. Be a leader, take action.

Join me in my mission, to spread community and wealth through are network.

The playing field just got a little more even.

Let's get started. Get your own ID; here's mine. BBBQ8629

Promoting AGLOCO

You might ask...How? That's a loaded question . One way I'm doing is promoting this link

For Info and/or signup

The video program , would be another passive income program. The designer has done alll the work for you. Start surfing, do what you love to do. Watch videos, full length movies...

I'll be putting together a day ACTION PLAN SOON. First, Grasshoppper neeeds to confer with guru.

...AGLOCO is in sign up mode, so you won't be able to make money for a month or two. Actually, when the view bar goes live anywhere from 2 weeks to 4, THe floodgates will open . Do it. Sign up. My Buddy Joel Comm said "do it". He's the godfather of surfing. He used to get paid to test out new software gaming products. Do a search for him; Joe Comm...
Done yet. lol
Now come back and sign up here here.

How do I promote this AGLOCO

One way is to write a blog as I am doing, and focus on a few "keywords" and try and write tight content rich articles with a high density of those keywords.Alternately, you can hand out business cards, advertise in the classified ads, e mail friends, My Space, the ways are endless.

When the teacher arrives the student appears.

Click here

Family ,friends, global friends community friends

A word on AGLOCO. AGLOCO stands for a global community and it's goal is to add 10 Million members by July. I urge you to join, do it now. You can read some basic information here;

I'm sorry, that's my adsense videosense link, which I will be using to promote and get paid for,as well as showing more videos. I will show you I'm doing it as well as keeping you informed. Might as well sign up there. The site host offers a 50/50 split in adsense commissions he earns and you earn by sharing videos. For more info just go to the above link and check out. Then sign up. This a very new site.

AGLOCO sign up and info is here:

BBBQ8629 is member ID , you will get your own when you sign up.

Listen, forget the money calculations right now. But if you like to research information on the web, surf,surf and get paid; this is an absolute screaming no brainer.
Let's build a community together and instead of a few big fish getting all the food, we all eat.

Tornado coming, AGLOCO

AGLOCO news Flash Bill Gates and YouTube Founder Chad Hurley think Internet users should get paid.

Get informed, get paid to surf and use web 2.0.

Mark my word, AGLOCO will rock the internet. To learn more and follow this story go to, , C Carson's blog.

I really can't beleive some times the creative people in this industry.

He'll be updating this daily and has just launched a new website.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Today's ramble

Whatever are you doing? Marketing to monkeys or be marketed to by monkeys? No disrespect to the monkeys, or their friends, or their friends. Yes, building a network is more than throwing a few switches. The same applies to the human network. SEE network in Wikipedia, the free internet encyclopedia dictionary. If installing in FireFox browser (2.0 is the latest build), just add it in your Google search box. It's secure enough.
Tomorrow I'll host a link to a forum you can join for free and download some free applications. One caveat, always scan your downloaded files, before opening. Oh yeah, I trust this site. Just search "major geeks" in the search box.
You will some see some of Google's publishing on some pages. Do read the help files, user rating and such before downloading any attachment from any site. Your
security and your very life is at stake.

  • My rule of thumb when surfing major geeks to stay within sub categories and stay within top5 downloads . Oh yes, do read the help files first, etc.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Don't join AGLOCO, Video surfing

The previous post I talked about

and took a snapshot of one member post from a search engine forums I'm a member at. The company he and I have joined is AGLOCO. The link above will take you to some more info and a sign up form.

You may have noticed the audio in this page open when you arrived here. That's a video I downloaded from Google video. I probaly need to tweak that setting later. lol

Anyway, don't put all your eggs in one basket on AGLOCO. However if you like social annotation, and community sites,video surfing, vlogging, building a social network,building a list, and getting paid in the process, join in now, while it's free!.

The guy who told me about it I call Mr. 'C'. Okay, it's Joe Comm, The 'Godfather of Adsense". So really, you're selling nothing, but getting a piece of the advertising revenue google pays publishers from their 'adsense" program. The program is not set to launch their proprietor software yet (small toolbar ). Th

I like the idea it's another list building tool, and good way to promote is "it's a long term play", just like our beloved stockbrokers.
Really, what else have you got to loose.
Lead, follow or get out of the way, imho. *smile
Disclaimer: I hate anything to do with MLM, however it's built along the same principle as Legacy for Life, a health company that had a USP of patented technology, and it's still doing well. It's not a ponzi scheme, imo, since the levels are not infinite. *shrug. Also, you get paid (up to 5 hours a month, for some surfing like you normally do.
Bottom line: My recommendation,this is a 'screaming' : "Yes, nothing to lose no brainer."
Sign up
and search their company site once in, Google "Agloco" and keep up with the launch, posting every other day or so about it. You can promote in many different ways. Happy surfing, you're gonna get paid!

Annotation of

Click here to view an annotation of

Using click or jkn extension in Firefox, before the update with annotations that are more advanced. This program, AGLOCO will perform even better in the present environment. Due to impressive advancements by Google, and their integration with Google video, smaller networks or niches will serve bloggers and video blogggers well. How's that for making the master our servant!

The so called 'gurus' are dead. The are selling off their business because the tide is demanding it. Instead of hording all the profits, they are selling business websites in smaller parts.

I'm Back,

While Google was upgrading their blog, I was on hiatus. I'm just getting used to the feel of this. In the last few months, Google swallowed You Tube for 1.6 $$ American, and video has become the hottest thing on the internet. With good reason; it creates a lot of traffic! The average "Joe" , will be able to get more traffic to his sight. After all, isn't that the reason you became a "webmaster"?
Later, today I'll post my first video to this sight, assuming I do not encounter any technical problems.

Spider on Drugs

It is amazing what drugs can do to these spiders. This is funny. More videos @

Yes, someone gets it. The power of video has opened a medium to the internet that will merge and eventually pass all other forms of media for viewers. That is not hype, I hate hype.
This a very clever humorous video, that also has a subtle info lesson.