Saturday, October 25, 2008

Group's Study Finds Income Gap Widening

In the U.S., the richest 10% earn an average of $93,000..Looks like Joe The Plumber 's taxes are not going up after all. Wonder how many toilets have to be plumbed and reamed to make $200,000?
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The gap between rich and poor has widened over the past 20 years in nearly all the countries studied, even as trade and technological advances have spurred rapid growth.

The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said its 20-year study found inequality had increased in 27 of its 30 members as top earners' incomes soared while others' stagnated.

The U.S. has the highest inequality and poverty rates in the OECD after Mexico and Turkey, and the gap has increased rapidly since 2000, the report said. France saw inequalities fall as poorer workers are better paid.

In the U.S., the richest 10% earn an average of $93,000 -- the highest level in the OECD. The poorest 10% earn an average of $5,800 -- about 20% lower than the OECD average.

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria said greater income inequality "polarizes societies" and "carves up the world between rich and poor."

Economic inequality is growing in the world's richest countrie
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Heavy Metals, Mercury Amalgams, Detox

The A.D.A. has been in denial about this problem for many years. If you do due diligent research, the evidence is too great to ignore any more.Mercury as well as other metals do not belong in your body, especially your mouth!
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And recently, the final piece of the puzzle may have fallen into place: the connection between aluminum and fluoride. New research has revealed that fluoride in drinking water makes the aluminum that we ingest more bio-available. As was reported in Brain Research, Vol.7 84:98, the combination of aluminum and fluoride causes the same pathological changes in brain tissue found in Alzheimer's patients.

A study at the University of Tennessee recently rated methyl mercury among the most dangerous poisons on Earth (just behind plutonium).
Once it became irrefutable that mercury from the fillings was ending up in your body, it then became mandatory that the ADA find a new defense
And in the 19th century, the workers who used mercury to make hats went bald and suffered from severe muscular tremors, dementia, and fits of wild, uncontrollable laughter. Thus the phrase: “Mad Hatter.”
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The Palins' un-American activities

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The Palins' un-American activities

Imagine if the Obamas had hooked up with a violently anti-American group in league with the government of Iran.

Oct. 7, 2008 | "My government is my worst enemy. I'm going to fight them with any means at hand."

Only one problem. The quote is from Joe Vogler, the raging anti-American who founded the Alaska Independence Party. Inconveniently for Palin, that's the very same secessionist party that her husband, Todd, belonged to for seven years and that she sent a shout-out to as Alaska governor earlier this year. ("Keep up the good work," Palin told AIP members. "And God bless you.")

AIP chairwoman Lynette Clark told me recently that Sarah Palin is her kind of gal. "She's Alaskan to the bone ... she sounds just like Joe Vogler."

Where's the outrage, Sarah Palin has been asking this week, in her attacks on Obama's fuzzy ties to Ayers? The question is more appropriate when applied to her own disturbing associations.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Third Party Candidates Market meltdown

The GOP and Democrats are both at fault for present state of economNor is either party is talking about fixing social security by at least putting back the money they've stolen from the social security trust fund.

We are on the verge of what appears to be the absolute revulsion stage of these markets. It could happen as early as tomorrow. This is the point where the majority of investors--having now lost up to 50% of their saving and entrusted them to so-called "trusted" advisors who have either disappeared or are out of the country or in a meeting or whatever---will leave the markets forever. As soon as the little guy has been wiped out, the big boys ( aka "Da Boyz") will be free to ramp the markets up, laughing all the way to the bank as the little guy, now near bankrupty, stands hopeless and forlorn like a kid with his nose pressed to the candy store. The kid is out of money and out of luck.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

More NFL Denny Green Rant Parodies

Classic meltdown by Denny Green and spoofs.
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This is a hilarious Coors Light parody. Enjoy!
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Crown Their Ass Remix
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Dennis Green Tyrade (TSB Style)
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Rat rant: Dennis Green
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Rat rant: Dennis Green
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T.O., Parcells and media Video

Parcells; "You got sucked!" lololol
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Bill Parcells and Bigfoot Coors Light Ad
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Biological Dentistry

Biological Dentistry can be categorized as dentistry with a conscience, and a consciousness of how the treatments of the teeth and jaws will affect the health of the individual and how it will affect the immune system. Biological Dentistry always asks - will the treatments be congruent and health enhancing or will they be health stressors to the individual?
The Relationship between Dental Problems and Illness
Dr. Arana, the co-founder of the American Academy of Biological Dentistry, distinguishes the main types of dental problems that can cause illness and dysfunction in the bo
  • Infections under and around teeth
  • Problems with specific teeth related to the acupuncture meridians and the autonomic nervous system
  • Root canals
  • Toxicity from dental restoration materials
  • Bio-incompatability to dental restoration materials
  • Electrogalvanism and ion migration
  • Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ), a painful condition of the jaw, usually caused by stress or injury
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    Biological Dentistry

    Much to offer.
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    dentistry has much to offer, and much to teach about the relationship of dental
    health to overall health.  Some
    day, the insights will spread to all of dentistry.  In the meantime, it is up to consumers to demand the
    dentistry we desire.  If you are
    concerned about your access to biological dentistry, write your state
    representatives and State Dental Board to let them know that dentists must not
    be censured just because they offer patients biolgoical dentistry.

    Home * Hair Analysis * Saunas * Books
    * Articles
    Detoxification Protocols * Courses * About Dr.
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    Reason for concern because these "hidden" infections can damage overall health.
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    dentists may use electro-acupuncture machines or other methods to detect subtle
    dental infections.  Antibiotic
    therapy may be ineffective against these conditions because circulation is poor
    in these teeth.  Dead or dying
    teeth make excellent hosts for bacteria. 
    If a dental infection cannot be healed with antibiotics or other means,
    extraction of the tooth may be the best idea.
    The problem is these teeth are
    particularly prone to chronic infection. 
    The infection may not be detected on x-ray, and goes unnoticed.  However, chronic infection anywhere in
    the body can release toxic substances that are damaging to health.  This is particularly true of dental
    infections.  The infection places
    added stress on the body that contributes to illness.  Several cancer experts have noted that cancer patients
    improved when infected teeth were removed.  One reason for the importance of dental infections is many
    acupuncture meridians pass through the mouth and face.  
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    Sometimes the source of infections after root canals.
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    are pockets of infection left behind when teeth are extracted, or from some
    other dental procedure.  They
    become foci of infection, similar to infected root canals.  Bacteria or bacterial toxins move from
    the cavitation into the blood stream, where they can cause damage to other
    organs and tissues.  
    many conventional dentists don’t consider cavitations a problem, they may be an
    important cause of ill health. 
    Anyone who has had dental extractions or procedures and is not feeling
    well afterwards may consider visiting a biological dentist to assess if
    cavitations remain.
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    Periodontal Problems

    Avoid Listerine.
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    addition to good hygiene, a standard treatment for gum disease involves
    unpleasant surgical scraping of the gums to reduce infection that can loosen
    teeth and eventually cause them to fall out.  There are some excellent alternatives to gum surgery.  One is the blotting technique pioneered
    by Dr. Joseph Phillips, DDS.  It is
    simple, inexpensive and often works superbly.  For more information about it, call the International Oral
    Health Society at (715) 839-9103.

    dentists may also recommend nutritionally-based treatments that in many cases
    can avoid gum surgery. 
    Improving body chemistry often makes a
    great difference in alleviating gum disease.
    Ironically, some common mouthwashes
    such as Listerine contain alcohol and other chemicals that irritate the gums.

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    Safe Mercury Amalgam removal

    Do not want mercury to be swallowed.
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    dental material is perfect.  The
    resin and ceramic materials do not have the germ-killing effect of
    mercury.  They require a more
    thorough technique for correct placement. 
    On the positive side, the resins or inlays are glued in place, and actually
    strengthen the tooth.  This helps
    avoid cracking.  If a composite
    resin filling wears down, the entire filling does not have to be replaced, as
    with amalgam.  The dentist may just
    add another layer of resin to the filling.  Resin and ceramic fillings also match the color of your
    teeth, producing a more aesthetic appearance.  An excellent book on the dangers of mercury amalgam fillings
    is It's All In Your Head
    , by Dr. Hal Huggins, DDS.

    dentists exercise care when removing mercury amalgam fillings.  The ones generating the greatest
    electrical currents should be removed first.  Also, care needs to be taken so that a minimum of mercury
    ends up in the patient's body due to the removal process
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    Biological Dentistry

    There is a growing trend of interest in this field along with natural health.
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                             Biological dentists recognize the close
    connection between dental health and such areas as nutrition, body structure,
    the cranial system, the immune system and the central nervous system.  Most are very concerned about the
    materials used in dental fillings, the safety of root canals, cavitations and
    holistic approaches to gum disease. 
    Many are interested in nutritional aspects of dentistry and the
    alignment of the temporo-mandibular joint.
    dentists may use electro-acupuncture machines or other methods to detect subtle
    dental infections.  Antibiotic
    therapy may be ineffective against these conditions because circulation is poor
    in these teeth.  Dead or dying
    teeth make excellent hosts for bacteria. 
    If a dental infection cannot be healed with antibiotics or other means,
    extraction of the tooth may be the best idea.
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    Wednesday, October 22, 2008

    McCain 's camp and Robo calls

    GOP has an October surprise "bomb" ready. The Dems are worried.
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    For the robocalls to be effective, the Republicans would need Bill Ayers to plant bombs today and not when Barack Obama was 8 years old. They need Ayers to plant bombs in key states right now with stickers on them that say: “I am Barack Obama, and I endorse this bomb.”

    But McCain may have found his October surprise after all. In Bensalem, Pa., on Tuesday, McCain said: “Now, I’m not dumb enough to get mixed up in a World Series between swing states. But I think I may have detected a little pattern with Sen. Obama. It’s pretty simple, really. When he’s campaigning in Philadelphia, he roots for the Phillies, and when he’s campaigning in Tampa Bay, he ‘shows love’ to the Rays.”

    Besides, the robocalls could work. Never underestimate the power of the robocalls. Because people really like getting robocalls, right?

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