Thursday, October 02, 2008

Lou Dobbs on Ohio voting debacle

Here we go again. You got to laugh at this nation's democracy building overseas while our own election system has plenty of flaws. See the movie "Recount" on HBO, The story of the nightmare in Florida in 2004. There may also be a reference to Ohio, which has had problems before!
clipped from
LOU DOBBS: A presidential election now 35 days away. Election fraud still posing a dangerous threat to this democracy. Perhaps even worsening. Early voting began today in Ohio. After the State Supreme Court there ruled that absentee voters could register and cast their ballots on the same day. As Kitty Pilgrim now reports, that new law could lead to massive election fraud in that critical swing state.
PILGRIM: No photo ID is required. New Ohio voters have only to write down the last four digits of their Social Security number or write down their driver's license number.
DOBBS: Has everybody lost their minds? There's no way for these volunteers to check that. I mean it's an absurdity.
PILGRIM: Yeah, the officials we spoke to today say the county boards are just overwhelmed with the volume that they have to do at this point. It's such a big election.
DOBBS: Well, it is a big election, important election, but apparently no one cares about that. Kitty, thank you very much. Kitty Pilgrim.
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