This might very well be the best and most
cost effective way to get valuable content for
your ezines, blogs and web sites all year. Focus
on this one thing, and see your business prosper.
Still time, but the private label content bonus
is running out, so please hurry.Content is still
If in a hurry, go here right now:
>click here, See how to get it all free!
From my friend Bryan Winters, CEO of IGR.
"Top 10 Reasons Why You Should
Join InfoGoRound Right Away!"
(If you haven't already!...)
Hey Friends,
If you haven't yet become a member of
InfoGoRound (IGR) I urge you to take a
very careful look at this:
Here's a list of the Top 10 Reasons
as to why you should join IGR today!...
1. Just about EVERY online business MUST
have content in order to succeed. Think
about it. You need content for your web-site,
content for your newsletter, content for your
BLOG, content for your information products,
content for your training courses, content
for your affiliates to use in promoting
your site - it's endless! Content is
the lifeblood of most ANY online business.
2. IGR offers the highest quality private label
article content available - in over 40 popular
categories and sub-categories. The fact that
the content is "private label" is KEY. It means
that you can use the articles provided by IGR in
a wide variety of ways just as if you'd written
them yourself! You can modify the content ...
compile it ... sign your own name as author ...
insert your own affiliate links ... the list
goes on and on. You don't have to credit IGR
or *anyone* when using their content. That's
part of what makes this resource so unique.
3. IGR offers the MOST private label content
of any resource online: IGR guarantees that
members will receive at *least* 100 NEW private
label articles per month. In the past 3 weeks
alone over 100 new articles have been added
to the IGR database. PLUS, IGR just hired 3
new freelance writers that will be adding even
MORE content to IGR on a monthly basis. Next
month IGR expects to have 150-200 new articles
added. All private label. All top quality!
(And the content will keep growing on a *daily*
basis for years and years to come!)
4. In addition to IGR's featured ARTICLE content,
IGR members also receive 45-75 pages of PRODUCT
content each month (on a specific niche topic).
In July, the product content will focus on how to
sell a home as "For Sale By Owner"... How to
market the home, how to sell at maximum price,
how to sell quickly, the "FSBO" process, etc.
For Sale By Owner is a very hot topic right now
so you don't want to miss this month's product
content! (So, who's ready to turn this content
into a lucrative information product?!)
5. BLOGS are *hot* right now. Within minutes
you can set up a BLOG at zero cost through The problem is, you need *content*
for your BLOG. IGR is your solution! IGR
content is *perfect* for use in BLOGS. Check
out a BLOG that was filled with IGR content in
a matter of 10-15 minutes (this is content that
would normally take days or even weeks for the
average person to write):
...And the BLOG is already making money!
6. When it comes to unlimited FR/EE traffic
generation (i.e., attracting visitors and
prospective customers to your web-site),
*ideal* for use in attracting unlimited
fr/ee search engine traffic. You can
also generate LOADS of no cost traffic
by submitting IGR content to article
directories, forums and message boards,
online publishers (web-sites, ezines,
blogs - any venue that requires quality
You simply attach YOUR resource box and
web-site link to the bottom of each article
that you want to allow other publishers to
reprint, and require that they include them
(the resource box and web-site link) along
with the reprinted article.
You could end up with thousands upon thousands
of article reprints spread across the web - all
with YOUR web-site links attached!
7. If you publish an online newsletter (which
is highly recommended), you should be sending
your subscribers quality articles and content
on a regular basis! This cultivates your list,
builds trust, and ultimately leads to a very
responsive (aka highly profitable) list! As
an IGR member, you can grab an article and
have it instantly formatted and ready to send
to your list in literally just a minute or two!
8. is VERY easy to use. There's
nothing complicated about it. Whenever you're in
need of quality content, you simply login to the
IGR members area, where you can search and/or
browse to locate exactly the topics and content
you need within seconds. You can sort articles
by article rating, author rating, most recently
published, etc. (Once you find an article you
wish to use, just highlight it with your mouse,
RIGHT click to Copy it, place your cursor
wherever you'd like the article to appear,
and RIGHT click again to paste it in!)
9. InfoGoRound comes recommended by many
of the top Internet marketers online! One
quick search under "InfoGoRound" on
will bring up TONS of positive feedback and
comments on IGR - see for yourself!
10. I saved the best for last: Thanks to
IGR's ingenious, *PATENT PENDING* Cash for
Content program and overall business model,
ALL IGR members have the optional opportunity
to receive a full, 100% rebate on their already
low membership fee! All you have to do is
write and submit ONE brief (400+ word) article
and you'll in turn receive a full rebate on your
membership fee for the period (month) during
which your article was submitted!
But IGR is an *unbelievable* value even for
those who choose NOT to participate in the
optional Cash for Content program...
I mean, you'll receive $1,000's worth of brand
new (freshly written), private label content
every single month for little or NO~cost -
content that you won't find ANYwhere else.
You just can't beat a deal like this!
This isn't some FANTASY value either. IGR
actually PAYS OUT thousands of dollars each
month for the content that is freshly written
and submitted to their private label article
Can you think of any reason why you should
NOT join InfoGoRound if you haven't already?
It can't be the lack of content. It can't be
the price. And it certainly can't be that you
don't need unlimited content for many areas
of your business, right?
So what are you waitin' for? =)
Click here to join hundreds of other satisfied
InfoGoRound members today!...
>click here and join IGR now!
Here for Your Success,
-Bryan Winters
P.S. Did I mention you can get your IGR
membership for NO~COST thanks to the (optional)
patent pending Cash for Content program? (Oh yeah,
perhaps I did ;-)...
Brian, IGR Rocks!
>click here and join IGR now!
Chris McNamara
10 Pelican Lane
Edgewater, Fl.32141
aka New Riders