Saturday, January 31, 2009

Iodine to Support Skin Damage

It's old fashion, but it still works.
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"I use tincture of iodine (everyday) on skin ulcers which refuse to heal. Sometimes I apply iodine 2 to 3 times a day. I never miss a day when treating squamous cell carcinoma. The area being treated by the tincture of iodine often becomes very sensitive or itchy...don't discontinue the iodine...keep applying iodine on the ulcer. The itchy skin will scab's just the healing process. Scrape off the skin if it again develops a white flaky patch or a brown scab...then, apply more iodine. Use the iodine for at least one to two months until the skin ulcer has completely disappeared. Then, use Retin-A cream to complete the skin rejuvenation process. Use Raw Organic Palm Fruit Oil along with the iodine to promote deep healing and also use Raw Organic Palm Fruit Oil along with sun block to prevent future skin damage. T
I feel it necessary to add the Lugol's Iodine daily to my drinking water."
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Financial Bailout was a setup

Transfer of wealth to top 1% has brought back the ruling class, just as in third world countries. The rest are on the way to peasantdom
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Now we have another ultimate insider, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, the former chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs Group having his former company to be among the biggest beneficiaries of a $700 billion US bailout. We got Paulson's four pages of instructions for the bailout, which resulted in his chums getting huge dividends and spa vacations financed by the middle- and lower-class US citizens for allowing their businesses to fail!

In addition to giving Rove an opening to make the above lie, the GOP had another pretense ready for delivery. The GOP and McCain nonsensically pledged that Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae caused the crisis and that these entities were solely developed by the Democrats.

The GOP is all about duplicity. Karl must have read about Hitler's Big Lie concept and adopted it completely for his boy W.
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Yes, the bailout has too many shared characteristics with the Iraq war.
there are small oligarchies whose members possess all of the riches -- similar to our top 1%. 
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Paying the price for eight years of Bush

Less than 7% of those polled consider his presidency a success. One of, if not the worst president in history!
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onservative assumptions, we calculate that the bill for Bush-era excess—the total new debt combined with the total new accrued obligations— amounts to $10.35 trillion. This legacy will have long-term consequences for America’s prosperity, but it also will weigh heavily and immediately on the Obama Administration, which will need to spend money fast to get the economy moving agai

Joseph E. Stiglitz and Linda J. Bilmes: The $10 trillion hangover ... Paying the price for eight years of Bush

[Linda J. Bilmes, a lecturer in public finance at Harvard University’s Kennedy School, is a former assistant secretary for administration, management, and budget in the U.S. Department of Commerce
Nonetheless, the outgoing administration has made a series of unwise economic choices that together will add up to a burdensome legacy.
When George W. Bush took office, he inherited a budget surplus of $128 billion and a bright fiscal future.
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