Clinical Use Report Of MSP
Dr. Joseph Cardot from Colorado
Researchers have been warning the medical
establishment for years that the indiscriminate use of antibiotics could
they warned, would create a "post antibiotic world" where common,
as well as uncommon, infections would quickly escalate into fatal illnesses.
The warning have been ignored; the result is that we are - right
now - facing a major threat to human life from formerly treatable infectious
Mild Silver Protein (MSP) may be an answer
to the dilemma we are facing
SystemicCandida Albicans is successfully treated
with MSP. It is so effective we must start with small doses to controlHerxheimer
Staph and other infections in the mouth(Gingivitis)
have dramatically improved with MSP therapy.
MSP is so effective in treating gum diseases (Gingivitis) that,
in my opinion, if widely utilized in the population, it could eradicate
gum disease completely.